Curtin University Greens (WA) Club
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Club Purpose
Welcome! We're your Greens (WA) presence on campus! Our aim is to promote Green spaces on campus, bringing together members and supporters alike to achieve a common goal; the four pillars. The four pillars of our party are Ecological Sustainability, Grassroots Participatory Democracy, Social Justice and Peace and Non-Violence. As students, we all understand the pressures of rising education fees, lowering quality of education and the unliveable rate of Youth Allowance/Austudy, and we need to take action on these issues here and now. We'll be holding regular events on campus to promote the Greens, especially in the lead up to state and federal elections. Want to be a part of our grassroots movement to create positive change in Western Australia and Australia more broadly? Come see what we're about, we would love to have you along. Unfortunately, we cannot accept new members who are members of political parties not affiliated with the Australian Greens.
The CSGWA are dedicated to nurturing Greens spaces on campus, whether that be through events, fostering Greens values or giving students a chance to experience our party and policy. This centres around striving towards the four pillars the Greens are founded upon; Ecological Sustainability, Grassroots Participatory Democracy, Social Justice and Peace and Non-Violence. The club will create the opportunity for students interested in the Greens and Greens policies to ask questions, talk to involved party members and meet Greens candidates in the lead up to state and federal elections. The 18-24 year old age bracket has the lowest rate of enrolment on the Electoral Role in the country, sitting at 84.7% nationally. This is largely due to a lack of awareness surrounding politics and what it involves, often referred to as being disengaged. The pillar of Grassroots Participatory Democracy is underpinned by the engagement of voters, and the CSGWA will aim to further this by removing a barrier between students and being politically engaged, if students so choose. Making politics more accessible is vital at a time when we need urgent action against climate change, social injustices and attack after attack on our education system. The club will operate in accordance with Greens (WA) party processes, which includes adhering to safe meeting practices, ensuring everyone in the room is included and the meeting is accessible, and that decisions are made by consensus. This makes sure that if there is disagreement, discussion must be had to resolve concerns. Safe meeting practices also include acknowledgements of country, and stating everyone's pronouns before the beginning of any gathering. The CSGWA hopes to foster a vibrant and connected social space for members of the club and create a welcoming atmosphere for any new or potential members. Members will get the opportunity to engage in discussions about politics with like-minded people.