Date 17-11-2022 Time 10:00 PM
Location Room 106D (The Retreat), Curtin Uni Bentley Campus

The purpose of the AGM is to:

  • Democratically elect 2023 office bearers in-line with our last Guild-approved constitution with nominations for office bearer roles open to all Ordinary members,

  • Provide a report on the year to the club’s members . This shall be prepared by the outgoing office bearers and reported within this meeting for:

    • members in the meeting or,

    • within the minutes which will be accessible to all members post-meeting.

  • Successful renewal of the club with the Student Guild for the incoming year.

  • Any proposals to change the club constitution.

  • Other business as per agenda item submissions.


River Clarke
President RC
1 Attendance, Acknowledgement of Country & Open Meeting
2 Disclosure of any potential or perceived conflicts of interest
3 Minutes of the 2021 End of Year meeting
4 Reports from the outgoing committee
5 Proposed changes to the constitution
6 Elections of the 2023 Committee
7 Bank Signatories 2023
8 Any Other Business
9 Organise the Committee Handover
10 Close Meeting